Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 15, Last Day

Awaking early sunday morning with two great danes still hasn't become normal to me. Fortunately and unfortunately it will be the last time - this trip at least - that I will experience that. Ash and I spent the day cleaning up the house and packing our bags. The homeowners were to return around 5 at night. We returned to the Red Barn to buy shirts and things for the people back home. It was crowded. Some of the shirts change color in the sun! Ash got more olives as I sampled more pickles. We returned to the house to check on the doggies, and Once we were satisfied with our belongings we drove to the Tampa airport to pick them up. Which meant we had to yet again cross the Sunshine Skyway. The airport was jammed full of cars waiting for their passengers, but we squeezed in and scooped up ours. We had Tony, Reba, and Kim - a friend of Ash's and related to T&R. On our way back there were two automobile collisions on the Skyway, which backed up traffic for days (not literally, but still) It took much longer to get back to the house than we'd planned. The dogs were of course overjoyed to see T&R back.
After a while Kim wanted to get out of the house, so Ash and I decided to go to the beach to get sand and water as s souveneir. While there we saw the sunset. It was so beautiful. I wish we could've stayed longer, but tomorrow we must return to Mississippi.

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