Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 12, Live Gators

I awoke to let the dogs do their doodie. Again I plopped down on the sofa. That was when the dumb dog of the two brought over a chew bone and placed it on my chest. She then proceded to chew it and bit into my chest. I screamed in pain so loud that it scared both dogs who went running down the hall and woke Ash.
It was a while before the dogs would come near me again.
That afternoon, Ash wanted to check out the local mall. That afternoon we went to the mall. It wasn't much different than you'd expect a mall to look like. In the food court we had lunch. We ate at a cajun fusion restaurant/kiosk. Ash had burbon chicken and some spaghetti from the next door sbarro, while I had burbon chicken tacos. They were amazingly delicious. Afterwards we looked through a few stores, but didn't buy anything.
We returned home to find that once again, the dogs hadn't destroyed anything. We felt safe that we would be able to go play minigolf later. A few miles away from where we were staying, there was a place called Smuggler's Cove. It was a small, pirate-themed minigolf course. Complete with a shipwreck and treasure chests. But that's not all. The many waterfalls and makeshift rivers all converge at a pool housing more than a dozen live alligators. Talk about a water hazard. We played a round, each getting at least one hole-in-one. It was a fun hour and as the sun set, the game ended. I won by five strokes. (I play real golf usually, but I love minigolf) I would've liked to have seen more unique obstacles than just rocks and dips, but it was a fun course.
Afterwards we returned home to discover that the dogs ate the couch.

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